Edith + Herbert


Edith + Herbert

Los Angeles, California


Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do:

Danielle: Edith + Herbert

Danielle: Edith + Herbert

Edith + Herbert is a small batch natural + herbal self care company aiming to help you incorporate organic herbal products into your busy life. Edith + Herbert highlights the power of using herbs to take care of yourself during busy, stressful, or low energy times. We value the Earth so our products are packaged in biodegradable, recyclable, or reusable containers. As a psychotherapist, I know the importance of self-care so I wanted to create products that people can use to take care of themselves, ground themselves, and feel good either at home or on the go

Let us know more about your business name - how did you come up with it?

Edith + Herbert were names I found on the donor wall at the Met museum in NYC. I loved that they sounded like a cute kitschy old couple so I knew that one day I would want to use their names for a company.

What is your signature style / item? How did it become so?

It's a toss up between the Lip Balms and the Bath Teas. I have been making lip balms for a decade for friends and family from all natural and organic ingredients. This came from a desire to know what was in my beauty products and to create something that was as "clean" as possible while still being super hydrating. The Bath Teas formed from a love of herbalism and trying to see how I could help people learn about herbs and incorporate them into their lives in an easy digestible way.

What makes your business unique to the industry?

E+H's price point for the quality of the products makes us unique. I spend a lot of time researching, studying, and seeking sustainable ingredients and packaging. Our products and ingredients change and grow the more I learn but the quality of what I make doesn't change. It is always sustainable, organic, and affordable.


What's been your biggest roadblock when it comes to business and how have you been able to overcome?

E+H turned 1 year old right at the start of the pandemic! That was a major roadblock for me! I had so many plans and markets that I was getting ready for then everything shut down. Shifting my products and focus as a company has really helped. I started to move away from natural beauty and more into herbalism which made a big difference. I also started to explore other items, like ceramics, that compliment what I am making.

How has your business had to adapt amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic? What are you doing to navigate the situation?

Going all online has been tough! I love the community and engagement of in-person markets. We've been creating new exciting products (including ceramics!) which has helped to increase engagement and interest online. Also, participating in as many virtual markets as we can!

What is your favorite part of what you do?

I love making new products and trying new things! I am always learning and growing as an herbalist so I want to be able to share that information with others. It is also really great to get positive feedback about how helpful my products have been for someone!

What is your *must do* local activity?

Descanso Gardens is a must for those who love a botanical garden! It is one of my favorite places to go. I am a member so I try to go as often as I can. The foliage changes with the seasons and they do special events for the holidays.

Where to find Edith + Herbert: