
Vouna - Summer Jumper.jpg


Arvada, Colorado

Antonia: Vouna

Antonia: Vouna

Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do:

Vouna is a shop featuring home decor, lifestyle gifts, jewelry and women's fashion.  The front 2/3's of the shop is dedicated to home decor, lifestyle gifts, jewelry made by small US makers.

Let us know more about your business name - how did you come up with it?

I'm half Greek and half German, so the name is a nod to my heritage.  Vouna is Greek for mountains, and is fitting since we're at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.

What is your signature style / item? How did it become so?

For clothing I'd say classic easy going style.  Things you can wear for years to come and still turn heads.  For home decor / lifestyle gifts naturally made with vintage finds thrown in - and - lots and lots of plants!

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What makes your business unique to the industry?

Our focus on US made brands really sets us apart from others in the industry.

What's been your biggest roadblock when it comes to business and how have you been able to overcome?

Olde Town Arvada is an up and coming area.  My challenge has been choosing an area like this vs. something already established.  Overcoming this is an ongoing process.  I advertised as part of a light rail train wrap the community purchased.  I also utilize social media - mainly Instagram.

How has your business had to adapt amidst the Covid- 19 Pandemic? What are you doing to navigate the situation?

While the shop was closed I did a small campaign on Instagram called Small Maker Happy Hour where I promoted a single maker.  Customers could purchase based on the post.  I've been back open since May 9th.  Some of the Olde Town streets are closed and are now just for pedestrians.

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What is your favorite part of what you do?

Besides having great conversations with customers I really enjoy helping someone find the perfect outfit, or gift.

What is your *must do* local activity?

Eating out is definitely one of my favorite activities! I'd say my top three are Urban Beets, The Arvada Tavern and Homegrown Tap & Dough.

Where to find Vouna:

  • Storefront: 5612 Olde Wadsworth Blvd, Arvada CO

  • Instagram: @vouna_co

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vounaco/